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Donald Trump Jr Just Implied His Dad Had Jeffrey Epstein Killed!

Remember how Donald Trump once said he had “the best people” around him? That really never stops being funny. You’ve got his running mate JD Vance going on TV and admitting they’re just making up the racist dog-eating BS about Haitian immigrants. And like a day later his son is implying he was the one who murdered Jeffrey Epstein!

Donald Trump Jr. was talking about the attempted assassination of his dad on his Triggered podcast Monday when he applauded Florida governor Ron DeSantis for “not releasing the suspect to the feds.” Why? Because if he went into federal custody he’d “probably disappear like Epstein himself, so to speak.”

OK, first off, that’s not how to use the phrase “so to speak.” Second… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

We guess with all their criss-crossing, contradictory conspiracy theories Junior forgot Epstein died in prison in 2019. When HIS DAD was the president! And his handpicked protector Bill Barr was running the DOJ!

This nimrod is trying to imply the evil federal government — you know, the ones who are always persecuting his family — would kill the attempted assassin before he could say anything. He’s saying they’d do it the same way they killed Epstein. But the federal government at that time was Donald Trump and his people!

Of course, this actually does fit with a lot of conspiracy theories! LOLz! We mean, Trump had arguably the most to gain by Epstein’s “suicide”, apart from Prince Andrew (who was both in Britain AND ineffectual at the time). Trump Sr. was Epstein’s pal and wingman for years, his Labor Secretary was the US Attorney who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal, he was always flying on the Lolita Express (and liked it so much he even bought it as his campaign jet). And of course he was actually accused of raping a 13-year-old girl with Epstein.

So yeah… if there’s anyone that sex trafficker had dirt on, Donald Trump Sr. is the guy we’d put our money on. Hey, maybe Jr. wasn’t making a mistake here, maybe he thinks so, too! LOLz!

Last modified: September 18, 2024
