WTF News

Uncover jaw-dropping and mind-boggling WTF events that will leave you questioning reality. Stay tuned for a curated selection of the weirdest, funniest, and most outrageous news stories that will keep you entertained and amazed. Explore the unexpected with our collection of WTF news, where the extraordinary meets the inexplicable!

WTF News Views: 4,019

Arizona woman sent 159,000 texts to man she met on dating site

A woman from Arizona who reportedly sent a whopping 159,000 text messages to a man after they went on a single date still believes that the...

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WTF News Views: 26

The food industry needs to act now to cut greenhouse gas emissions

To secure a thriving food system for future generations, the food industry has a significant opportunity to collectively help mitigate the impact.

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WTF News Views: 25

15 year-old girl gunned down after leaving the police station where she filed a rape case against two cops

In a chilling and inexplicable tragedy, a 15-year-old girl met a gruesome fate, shot dead by motorcycle-riding gunmen in Cabugao, Ilocos...

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TrendingWTF News Views: 253

An exciting, hilarious, extremely outlandish, oftentimes touching

A moderate incline runs towards the foot of Maybury Hill, and down this we clattered. Once the lightning had begun.

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WTF News Views: 22

How Ordinary People Can Help Their Country

By the light of the now brilliant moons I saw that he was but a shadow of his former self, and as he turned from my caress and commenced greedily.

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WTF News Views: 26

Maxwell Falls Lower Trail

At first I regarded little but the road before me, and then abruptly my attention was arrested by something that was moving rapidly.

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